Susan has been creative as long as She can remember. At school she would doodle little birds and animals in her school books , Often day dreaming always to be found in the library looking and studying Animals birds and the unusual facts in life.
It is no wonder then that becoming a Fantasy Artist became easy for her. She paints using her imagination in bright colours using a variety of mediums including Acrylic Watercolour Goauche Ink and oil paints. She also does a bit of sculpting too has done stone carvings worked in clay and other substances.
Susan also likes to paint using digital art. Using Photoshop and Corel Painter she creates fantasy subjects. Susans favourite subjects and things to paint are Unicorns Mermaids Fairies Dragons Ángels horses and Birds She has also done a few portraits occasionally and can turn her hand to anything
Susan is happy to take commissions and is usually working on something or other in her Art Studio or Digital Creative Suite.
She lives at home with her Husband and two Arabian Horses surrounded by trees you can't count and enjoys the tranquility of being able to create Original Art to sell or make prints of at home.
Susan also has an online presence She has a page on Facebook Susan Govindasamy Fantasy and Form and also an account on Instagram Fantasyandform1